Archive for June, 2012

Forever in Darkness

Sorry this is a bit late, I tried to get a poem together to post but I’ve been too stuck on my prose lately so I decided to just post a prose piece this time. Well, part of a prose piece, it’s to long to post all of it and sorry if it’s a bit choppy, I’m still working on my editing for this piece.


Is it odd to think of life as a playground for the dark and corrupt? Is it odd to go through life hoping that something will change in your morals? That you’ll be with those with the power; no longer a pawn in the game of life? Well I think about it all the time. We live in a world where demons and their slaves endanger our lives. Where good has lost the battle and the light pushed back into the depths of darkness. But those with morals still live on; they live on in fear of being killed; in fear of being found and tortured till they send you to the deepest circle of hell.

But it’s even more dangerous to be part demon and have morals. My name is Laura. My mother was a seductress demon and my father a bookworm who gave into his deepest desires, forgetting his morals and condemning his soul forever. I don’t know where he is now; probably lost in the black forest where most humans live after they gave into evil. As for my mother, though, she’s probably hunting me down ready to decapitate me if given the chance. It seems harsh, yes, even for a demon. She is a mother and does have motherly instincts as to not hurt her children. But she also has the instincts of survival. Parental demons that have lost their children to good have six years to track down and either convert or kill their child. The high demons of the Horned Circle made this to keep us from helping light to regain power.

They did well on that because that’s exactly where I’m heading. To the Garden of Eve where the purest people left on this earth lay waiting for a time to take back their world. And I’ll kill my mother if it means restoring this ground to the way it’s supposed to be.

This is my story: A story of heartbreak, betrayal, and death, but a story none the less.

I stopped, though only for a millisecond, to assess my surroundings. Once again one of my mother’s assassins had found me. Only this time, I was two short breaths from being killed. This demon was good, and she didn’t care that I was only seventeen; I was dead if I didn’t keep my wits about me. Two milliseconds later I could hear the soft sound of an arrow cutting the air and quickly ducked and rolled into some underbrush. I held my breath.

“Laura, come out, come out wherever you are,” the woman laughed softly as her heels crunched the leaves only inches from my face. “Come out and denounce all things good and I can take you back to dear old mommy. She could teach you that being a demon on the run is not a good look when trying to get a guy.”

I rolled my eyes at this, my mother was a seductress. No, not a succubus or a siren, she was more of the demon’s version of Aphrodite. Any man that was on the brink of darkness would fall into her arms. But that still didn’t stop people from comparing how beautiful she is and how plain I am. I’m more demon than human, but I look more human than demon.

The assassin was now a couple feet away from me and I knew that it was either now or die. It was then that I realized my breath was still being held and I gasped for air.


Jumping up I barely missed the spear that was now where my head had been. Turning, my feet took me as quick as they could away from the weapon master. I knew that the only thing that would now keep me alive was my demon heritage; and being under the age of twenty-one meant that any demonic power was under my control. My entire body was suddenly covered in flames. The orange and red licked at my skin but I felt nothing. Pausing for only a moment the flames snaked up my skin and formed into a ball in my hand. Turning I realized how close my enemy actually was and knew I had only one shot at this. I aimed and threw the glowing sphere at my pursuer.

Perfect aim, I thought as the same flames that didn’t even harm me exploded and sent her to Hell. My body sagged as I relaxed, the threat was gone, and I could relax for a moment. Though, only for a moment.

Moving cautiously toward a tree I listened and looked, making sure that no one else was with the weapon master. My heartbeat was beginning to rest; no longer moving a mile per minute. I needed rest, and the sun was almost set, the best time to sleep since all the demons will be out and about.

Speed, I thought as I felt my legs grow strong and anxious for a run. Perfect, and I took off running for the closest town.

I stopped in front of an old building with a green roof and red brick walls. Christmas colors were a signal to demons on the run that this was a safe haven. But to be careful my features morphed into someone else. I chose a perfect candidate, my mother. Thick, platinum blonde hair that I felt grow till it reached my lower back and then stopped. Tan skin that looked painted, long lean limbs that she used ever so gracefully. Even though she was trying to kill me I couldn’t help but admit my mother’s heart shaped face and small nose looked beautiful. She had chosen a good path for her demonic nature.

I walked into the motel, instantly the owner at the desk recognized me, “Oh Miss. Rose. I didn’t know you were coming to town. Looking for your child no doubt.”

Giving him my best smile I looked into his eyes, “Ah yes, my dear Laura. Such a shame, she had a lot of talent, but the good seeds must be thrown out.” The owner looked thrown back, another way to tell if the place was safe.

“Yes, the most perfect apples must wait till their rotten to the core.” I smiled and nodded, he knew.

“A room for one night, please.” And without another word he handed me the key to room 106.

© Ashlea Gable, 2012

[Appropriately being posted at three in the morning after being written at two in the morning. Therefore, it is probably crap. 8D ]

i’m not your little second grade granddaughter lost anymore
i’m not incessant tugs at your wrinkling hand asking to go to the playground
i’m not here is my Christmas list, will you help my bake cookies for a heavy set intruder leading a pack of Chihuahuas
i’m not small Barbie socks running through dew painted grass because i don’t want bugs to crawl on my feet
i’m not tuck me in at night because the shadows like to play with the frills on my pajamas and poke and prod at me like our next door neighbor Nightmare
i’m not hold my hand as we cross over blaring yellow innocent ignorance and cracks in the sidewalk
i’m not cotton candy ballet slippers and glitter caught in my hair and stuck on my face for days (weeks) after a recital
i’m not afternoons spent rubbing butter into the carpet to get that dirt stain out and i’m sorry mommy for knocking over your precious plants that are more important than me
i’m not running home feeling like a gold metal genius with a wasted sheet of pulp inked with Os
i’m not foam hair curlers, summer dresses, stolen size eight shoes and coloring mahogany paint over too thin lips
i’m not waterworks on broadway and i’m not spongebob bandaids and kisses to make it better

and i will probably never be any of those things again
now i’m four o’clock sunrises trying to ctrl-a delete mistakes written in stone
i’m comfort over pretty because four o’clock sunrises are covered in under-eye shadows and too good to be true mirages
i’m rainbow fitted jeans and imported yes these are actually from china sneakers
i’m too loud, too quiet, too random, too predictable, too white, to asian, and too everything else all at the same time to be black
i’m public humiliation with steel self-appreciation
i’m size four dance shoes on a size five and a half foot
i’m i’ll just close my eyes and chameleon in the wall because i don’t know where to look
i’m facebook without the face, just a closed unwritten novel with only grey outlines in every picture frame
i’m single parentless and broken lightbulb smiles
so can you please stop trying to repair a shattered doll with transparent tape and let me find the correct face to piece together like a puzzle that spells out my name?

© Shae Smile, 2012

Technical Difficulties

So we’re currently having difficulties getting our site to look right, as you should be able to tell. Anyways, we’re working on trying to fix it so please bare with us while we work on fixing it and if you have any suggestions then let Ember know by commenting on here.


Also, we now have an e-mail~ (Shh, Cruz and Shae don’t know yet 🙂 but I just set it up like ten minutes ago~) Anyways, any reason why you might want to e-mail us go ahead at 

