(It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve posted… Anyways~ Sorry I’m a few days late but I’ve been very involved in my college’s theater program, so I have no time to really write much. I did write this prose piece for an auidition (I got the part~) that I had the other day. Oh, and happy National Write A Novel Month. I have not done well with this so far, but good luck for those of you that do participate in this, and no matter how many words you write, just be proud you embraced your creativity and worked towards a goal.)


Who are we? We are beings of emotions. We are bodies full of love and passion; feelings that we reign in, too fearful of the world’s loathing eyes and contemptuous words that leave us in a state of self-loathing; because we are unable to free ourselves from society’s spies that only tell lies.

Who are we? We are humans; just like you and your family, we breathe air, eat and drink, sleep and wake; we are not monsters who have come to take away your values; we are not demons of the devil, come to bring down your religion. We are people, filled with our own thoughts and ideas, filled with our own desires and wants, filled with our own goals and drives. Only looking for the freedom that we were told we deserved as people.

Who are we? you ask again and again and I answer you every single time. Yes, we may seem odd, yes we may be queer in your eyes, yes we may not fit with your picture of a perfect society, but does that give you the right to stomp on us? To throw your boots at us like we are cats that you caught in your kitchen, feeding on your human food? To break our souls like bones and give no pity when all we do is cry that we just wanted the ability to bring love into our hearts, just like you.

Yes, I promise you, we are not Satan’s love children. Yes, I promise you, we are not here to bring down the law of God. You say we are sinners, worthy only of Hell, but listen to this, you are a sinner too. Torturing your fellow man, fighting against us our right to live as we desire, is that not a sin worthy of hell?

Now I ask you, beg you if I must, please calm your voice and listen to us. Listen to the our cries, our pleas, and appeals that society find the time to stop and take note. Notice our hearts, for they beat just the same as yours.

© Ashlea Gable, 2012